13 January 2007

Are You Ready For New Programming Language?

At the beginning of my 2006 summer intern
while i was speaking with my manager, i asked him about java..
(since as i searhed , in the good old days he was a good java developper..)
he answered as at most 5 years it will survive.
Then he talked about his cobol(or another) experience.

I take this speech and put it on my disk.
But on Friday it was mandotary for me to take it back :)

Today I will reflect you Suns new Boy.

"Fortress is a new language. Although many of its features are inspired by existing languages, it isn't an extension of any of them. Syntactically, many Fortress expressions closely resemble mathematical notation."

But it is not aim to serve service for everyone(just for now , who knows future ;)).
It is only for the projects, need high performance.
It is language like Fortran and name is influenced from there 'Fortress'.

"When a Fortress program performs a "for" loop--a repeated task such as examining every pixel in a photograph or finding how many people in a list are above age 21--Fortress automatically breaks the job into pieces and farms each piece out to different cores, processors or servers"

"Sun hopes its language will make it easier for programmers to get useful work out of computers with multicore processors, a longstanding computer science challenge. The project also could elevate Sun's profile in the high-performance computing realm, where it has languished."

It sounds interesting..
And Smells nice..
and seems chaotic..

look at the links..

News From Sun
Look Simon's Blog
And Suns Research Group

Note:I think it will be quite useful for me to ask more ques;)

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